We exist to love God, love people, and share the good news of Jesus with the world.
Our Leadership Team
The leadership team and elders here at Compass Church are comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email, tweet, call, or facebook them. You can contact the church at ask@thecompasschurch.net.
Jeremy Sullivan
Pastor of Teaching and Shepherding | Elder
(870) 926-4065
Chuck Miller
Pastor of Discipleship and Ministry | Elder
(615) 828-9596
Summer Sudol
Director of Children's Ministry
(870) 835-2976
Conor Fogle
Associate Pastor of Students | Elder
(870) 366-8634
Tom Massey
Jennifer Crabtree
Ministry Coordinator
(870) 251-7725
Cassie Black
Director of Worship
(501) 658-3573
Our Elders
The elders have responsibility for the oversight of the church body and the shepherding of its members, and have ultimate responsibility for managing the affairs of the church. While the staff directs the various ministries of the church, the elders provide the overarching protection of the body.
Adam Curtwright
(870) 307-7813
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Conor Fogle
(501) 366-8634
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Chuck Miller
(615) 828-9596
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Gary Sevier
(479) 206-1129
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Chris Steel
(501) 773-0738
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Jeremy Sullivan
(870) 613-4131
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Matt Carter
(870) 307-1864
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Gary Sudol
(870) 834-2891
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